Extending the life of long term indwelling catheters: An RCT of catheter flush with saline or acidic solution vs standard care

Moore K1, Hunter K1, McGinnis R2, Chobanuk J1, Bascu C1, Puttagunta L1, Getliffe K3, Fader M4, Gray M5, Voaklander D1

Abstract Category

Rehabilitation & Conservative Treatments

Abstract 66
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms:Room: Jurriaanse Zaal - Chairs: Sherif Mourad & JeanJacques Wyndaele
Scientific Podium Poster Session 9
Thursday 23rd August 2007
14:22 - 14:30
1. University of Alberta, 2. Calgary Health Region, 3. University of Southampton, 4. University of Southampton, 5. University of Virginia


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