Combination treatment with a-blockers and anticholinergics for LUTS in men with BPH

Konstantinidis C1, Andreadakis S2, Skriapas K3, Kartaklis P4, Thomas C4, Serafetinidis E5, Gekas A4, Delakas D5

Abstract Category

LUTS in Men

Abstract 457
Non-Discussion Posters
Scientific Non Discussion Poster Session 31
1. National Institute of Rehabilitation, Athens, Greece, 2. Foundation of Social Insurance, Kilkis, Greece, 3. Urology Department , General Hospital of Larissa, Larissa, Greece, 4. Urology Department, General Hospital "Agios Andreas", Patra, Greece, 5. Urology Department, General Hospital "Asclepio", Voula, Athens, Greece


09/03/2025 18:59:12