Clinical and urodynamic analysis of female voiding function and evidence based treatment of female voiding dysfunction.

Aims & Objectives

240 minutes
LUTS in Women
Female (ineffective) voiding Diagnosis and treatment Pressure flow analysis
Clinicians and researchers, with basic or advanced knowledge and experience in adult (female) lower urinary tract dysfunction and urodynamics.

Analysis of female voiding symptoms and or dysfunction can be done clinically and urodynamically. Consensus or standards are however lacking and therefore interpretation of signs, symptoms and urodynamics varies:
This workshop will help participants to:

  • Further understand the physiology of female voiding (and abnormalities)
  • Look at different analysis -methods of female voiding and learn to select appropriate methods
  • Explore methods of classifying and quantifying outlet obstruction and detrusor contractility for female patients
  • Put (urodynamic) analysis of (ineffective) female voiding in the clinical perspectives of diagnosis and treatment.
    (NB: We will not discuss patients with (relevant) neurological abnormalities.)

