John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

13 - 16 SEPTEMBER 2016






ICS 2016


It was a pleasure to see you at the recent ICS 2016 meeting in Tokyo! The feedback we received from delegates so far has been fantastic. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to inform us of your thoughts on the meeting and the aspects of the meeting that you enjoyed, as well as those areas where we might improve.

This year we repeated the 4 day meeting, including 1 day of workshops and 3 days of integrated scientific and educational programmes, creating a richer and more condensed programme. Including the tracked programmes ensured there was something for everyone running throughout each day.

A special thank you to the many of you who took the time to submit an abstract and/or workshop application to ICS 2016. Without our scientific programme and workshop presenters and chairs there would be no meeting. We hope that you felt the meeting was beneficial and that you will consider submitting or attending again in the future.

There were several highlights at the meeting, including the ICI consultation, the fantastic number of registrants attending the meeting and the participation of more gynaecologists in the programme. In addition to our well attended symposia there were an array of sessions for every profession linked to the field of continence. I expect most of you, like me, could not get to everything so you will be pleased to know that we filmed a number of sessions at the meeting. Watch out for the ICS TV notifications on our mailings as the videos get released! You can also access (where we have been authorised) the workshop PowerPoint slides in PDF format via the Scientific Programme, simply click on the handout button for each session.

The Board are keen to receive your feedback on the meeting, and this can be provided at the evaluation survey link here. You will also receive your CME certificate at the end of the evaluation. Alternatively, feedback can be provided to the ICS office on

At the end of this challenging meeting I want to thank Adrian Wagg for his role as General Secretary of ICS for the last 2 years and also Yukio Homma, Naoki Yoshimura and Maki Nakata and all the local organising committee for all the hard work done by each of them to produce such a successful meeting.

Next year's meeting will take place from 12th - 15th September 2017 in Florence, Italy. We sincerely hope you will attend what promises to be a most unique Annual Scientific Meeting. We are encouraging different continence societies to apply for a session for their delegates. Please be in contact with the office should you wish to have a society session in Florence to complete an application form.

Workshop application submission opens 1st November, closing on 4th January 2017. Abstract submissions open on 1st March 2017 and closes on 1st April 2017. For more information on ICS 2017 or how to submit your workshop/abstract then please see the ICS website:

Thank you for attending ICS 2016 and I look forward to welcoming you to ICS 2017 in Florence.

24/02/2025 18:49:45  1511
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