The italian OAB Registry: description of characteristics of an italian project to assess management and clinical outcomes of patients suffering from overactive bladder.

Finazzi Agrò E1, Palleschi G1, Giannantoni A2, Del Popolo G3, Soligo M1, Li Marzi V1, Serati M1, Pistolesi D1, Pastorello M1, Giammò A1, De Rienzo G1, Tubaro A4

Research Type


Abstract Category

Quality of Life / Patient and Caregiver Experiences

Abstract 328
Open Discussion ePosters 2
Scientific Open Discussion Session 19
Thursday 14th September 2017
12:35 - 12:40 (ePoster Station 2)
Exhibition Hall
Incontinence Outcomes Research Methods Prevention Quality of Life (QoL)
1. Board Italian Society of Urodynamics, 2. University of Perugia, Italy, 3. Board Italian Society of Urodyanmics, 4. Fondazione SIU Urologia - Italian Society of Urology


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