The Effectiveness of CBT in the Sexual Function and Quality of Life of Women With Sexual Dysfunction: A Comparative Study.

Pitia A P1, Saskia Tavares J2, Teixeira B1, Teles A1, Lemos A1, Nogueira A1, Brasil C1, Lordelo P1

Research Type


Abstract Category

Pelvic Pain Syndromes

Abstract 283
Female Incontinence
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session 16
Thursday 30th August 2018
09:57 - 10:05
Hall C
Clinical Trial Quality of Life (QoL) Sexual Dysfunction Female
1. Pelvic Floor Care Center (CAAP), Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health, 2. Federal University of the Recôncavo of Bahia


Hypothesis / aims of study
Despite all the initiatives, to demystify the theme of sexuality and many advances, it still remains surrounded by a series of paradigms and taboos in the contemporary, that end up influencing the sexual health of women. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that favors the re-structuring of dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs, although it is indicated as effective in the treatment of female sexual dysfunctions, no research has been found to prove its efficacy in this disorder when compared to education sexual. Objective of this study was to analyze the repercussions of Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) on Quality of Life (QOL) of women with Sexual Dysfunction.
Study design, materials and methods
A comparative study using the qualitative method and case study design. We included women aged 18-59 years with FSFI, a questionnaire assessing sexual function, less than or equal to 26, and excluded with BECK scores between moderate and severe, patients with other pelvic floor pathologies. The semi-structured interview was used as data collection technique. Control Group (n = 10) patients were submitted to 10 sex education sessions. The patients of the Intervention Group (n = 11) were submitted to 10 sessions of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, based on the principles and techniques of CBT2, along with the Sexual Education sessions. 03 categories: Social / leisure area, Body image & self-care and Sexual Function (FS), were analyzed for being considered of greater relevance in the establishment of QoL in the study population.
Intervention Group (n = 11): 11 patients started to include social / leisure activities in their life dynamics. 09 presented changes in the category Body image & self-care, showing more care and satisfaction in the relationship with your body. As for FS, 11 developed the activities of genital self-focusing, 09 began to perform masturbation, 07 reported improvement in FS. Control Group (n = 10): No changes were observed in the Social Area / Recreation category. As for Body Image & self-care, only 01 reported having started genital self-focusing activities. Regarding FS, none of the patients reported improvement. It is important to note that of the 10 patients assigned to the control group, 03 did not complete the protocol.
Interpretation of results
Sexuality is an integral part of the quality of life, sexual function being part of this process. In this way it is fundamental that the work with women with sexual dysfunction takes a broader look at the context in which it is uncertain. in this sense, CBT helps women to rescue pleasure in their social life, re-signifies the relationship with their body and genital image, favoring the rehabilitation of sexual function. The improvement of these areas is only possible due to the cognitive restructuring of dysfunctional beliefs about oneself, about the world and about sexual pleasure.
Concluding message
The improvement in QoL is attributed to the cognitive restructuring regarding dysfunctional beliefs about sex / sexuality, to the re-establishment of an adequate self-concept and behavioral activation related to social / leisure life, following the principles and foundation of CBT
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Funding No Clinical Trial Yes Public Registry No RCT No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Committee of Ethics and Research of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
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