Vaginal microflora and signs and symptoms of vaginal infection using a new disposable vaginal device for POP

Ziv E1, Erlich T1, Keller N2

Research Type


Abstract Category

Conservative Management

Abstract 529
Urogynaecology 5
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session 29
Friday 6th September 2019
11:37 - 11:45
Hall G3
Conservative Treatment New Devices Pelvic Organ Prolapse
1.ConTIPI Medical Ltd, 2.Sheba Medical Center


Hypothesis / aims of study
The aim of the study was to demonstrate that a new disposable vaginal device (ND) for the management of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) does not alter vaginal microflora in a clinically significant manner. 
The question whether devices within the vagina contribute substantially to signs and symptoms of vaginal infections (e.g. discharge, irritation, foul smell, itching, and overt infections), remains open. There is accumulating data that vaginal devices, mainly those who do not block the vagina (e.g. ring pessaries as opposed to tampons) do not contribute to vaginal infections or to meaningful changes in vaginal microflora.
Study design, materials and methods
A multi-center, open label, prospective, randomized, controlled, statistically powered (non-inferiority), cross over, home-use study, conducted in 7 sites (US & Israel) was performed. The ND is housed in small dimensions within an applicator and is self-inserted vaginally. Within the vagina the device opens to become a ring of up to 91 mm. Following insertion the applicator is discarded, and the device may remain within the vagina for up to 7 days. To remove the device the user pulls a string which collapses the device into small dimensions, for disposal.
Subjects were randomized into starting with the ND or with a commercially available ring pessary (CARP). The first usage phase of 30±2 days began after a 14-16 day washout period. This was followed by another 14-16 day washout period and then a second usage cross-over phase, where each group used the alternate device also for 30±2 days. The control pessary remained in situ during the entire study period. Swabs and cultures were taken before and after each study phase and sent to a single central lab for microflora analysis. 
Vaginal microflora is variable and may show marked fluctuations of diverse microorganisms, even on a daily basis. In order to overcome influence of the daily fluctuations on lab results, clinical criteria were incorporated into the definition of failure. The primary endpoint was based on failure criteria defined as meeting at least 1 of the 3 failure parameters below:
1.	Significant change in specific vaginal microflora (Lactobacillus spp., Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida morphotypes, or Staphylococcus aureus) levels from baseline, where significant change was defined as (i) Nugent score ≥ 7, or (ii) > 1 scale unit increase in Staphylococcus aureus or Candida morphotype; or;
2.	Vaginal symptoms that are bothersome to the subject, or; 
3.	Vaginal symptoms that require treatment.
58 subjects who completed the study per-protocol used 350 devices over 1647 usage days. The total number of subjects who met at least one failure criterion was comparable between the ND and CARP. Nine subjects (15.5%) met the failure criteria for the primary endpoint for the ND and 9 (15.5%) for the CARP (p>0.999), with a 1-sided 97.5% upper limit of 13% (non-inferiority limit of 15%). 
With the ND there were no vaginal infections, bothersome vaginal symptoms, or urinary infections. While using the CARP there was one case of overt vaginal infection which required treatment, two cases of UTI which required treatment, and 2 cases of bothersome vaginal complaints. Rate of spontaneous fluctuation of various microorganisms was 36-44%. 
Adverse events were minor, non-serious, mainly mild and anticipated.
Interpretation of results
With the ND, when each device was used for up to seven days, there were neither signs nor symptoms of vaginal infection.
Concluding message
Study endpoints were successfully met, showing non-inferiority of the ND when compared to CARP. The minimal microflora changes and absence of clinical vaginal infections clearly demonstrate that there was no significant impact on vaginal microflora while using the ND and that the ND is comparable with the conventional pessary, with no additional microbiological safety concerns. 

This study adds to several other studies dealing with the influence of vaginal devices on signs and symptoms of vaginal infections. In a previous study with the new device there were also no vaginal infections while in use for over 3500 usage days.
Funding ConTIPI Medical Ltd funded the clinical study as part of development of its new device for the management of pelvic organ prolapse in women Clinical Trial Yes Registration Number NIH NCT03345121 RCT Yes Subjects Human Ethics Committee Maccabi Health Services, Israel and IRB services, Canada Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
25/02/2025 06:03:26