chronic pelvic pain sexual dysfunction complementary medicine |
Target Audience
Urogynaecology, Conservative Management |
Aims and Objectives
Overview of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and complex of syndromes (lower urinary tract, genital pain, gastrointestinal, high tone pelvic floor dysfunction, neuropathic, psychological, and dyspareunia )
• Evaluation of CPP – complete history and physical to identify
• Discuss implications of CPP with sexual dysfunction
• Overview of female sexual dysfunction
• Management of CPP and sexual dysfunction- an overview of multi-modal treatment approach with the emphasis on an individualized approach, including therapies that are easily available and low budget.
• Discuss complementary medicine and pelvic floor physical therapy and its role in CPP/sexual dysfunction
• Interactive discussion time
Learning Objectives - Overview of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and complex of syndromes (lower urinary tract, genital pain, vulvodynia, dyspareunia, high tone pelvic floor dysfunction, psychological, neuropathic)
- Discuss implications of CPP with sexual dysfunction
- Management of CPP and sexual dysfunction- an overview of multimodal treatment approach with the emphasis on an individualized approach, including conservative, complimentary and alternative therapies.