Pre and postpartum pelvic floor muscle exercise in prevention of urinary incontinence - theory and practice

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Workshop Schedule


Siv Morkved


Cornelia Betschart


Siv Morkved


Helena C Frawley


Signe Nilssen Stafne


Kari Bø


Siv Morkved
Cornelia Betschart
Kari Bø
Helena C Frawley
Signe Nilssen Stafne

Aims & Objectives

90 minutes
Prevention and Public Health
pelvic floor muscle exercise urinary incontinence pre- and postpartum
Urogynaecology, Conservative Management

The aim of this workshop is to improve the health care for women during pregnancy and after delivery, by facilitating implementation of evidence based practice.
The workshop includes a practical exercise session, an update on pelvic floor anatomy and possible birth injuries, evidence for the use of pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFME) in prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth, and strategies to improve adherence and implementation of PFME.
At the conclusion of this workshop, the participants will know the rationale and evidence behind the use of PFME in pre and postnatal care, and how they can plan and implement an exercise program in clinical practice.

Learning Objectives

  • The rationale and evidence behind the use of pelvic floor muscle exercises in the prevention and treatment of pre- and postnatal urinary incontinence
  • An example of the content of an exercise class used during pregnancy and postpartum, and participation in an exercise class.
  • Implementation of relevant adherence strategies to promote pelvic floor muscle training

