Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection in Pediatric Patients with Overactive Bladder

Issi Y1, Onem K2

Research Type


Abstract Category


Abstract 416
On Demand Paediatrics
Scientific Open Discussion Session 27
Detrusor Overactivity Incontinence Pediatrics
1. cicli research and training hospital / Izmir, 2. Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology


Hypothesis / aims of study
To investigate the effectiveness of the botulinum toxin type A injection in pediatric patients with overactive bladder who failed to respond to anticholinergic therapy
Study design, materials and methods
In our clinic , pediatric patients who had pure diagnosis of overactive bladder , failed to respond to anticholinergic therapy and had injection botulinum toxin type A intravesically were analyzed retrospectively . Patients with dysfunctional voiding neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, patients with bladder stone were excluded from study. Patients’ ages, voiding dysfunction symptom scores, capacity, residual volume, urodynamic data were recorded . Technically, under general anesthesia and lithotomy position, pediatric cystoscope (storz 9,5 Fr, 6 degree ) inserted to bladder and 4 mm adjustable needle (Laborie, InjeTak cystoscope adjustable needle 2 - 5 mm ) was used in order to exact deep injection. 100 units ona - botulinumtoxin diluted  with 20 cc saline . Diluted ona - botulinumtoxin  injected randomly into the bladder wall. Each injection volume was 1 ml . Totally 20 different point 20 cc 100 units botulinumtoxin were injected without trigon. after injection bladder was emptied with temporary foley catheter.
The mean age of six pediatric patients were 9,8 ± 4,4 years . Five patients were girl and one patient was boy . Preoperative mean daily incontinence episodes and symptom scores were 1 ± 0 and 23.6 ± 2 respectively . Intradetrussor 100 units botulinum toxin type A injection was performed .
Interpretation of results
Mean follow‐up of the patients was 10.2 ± 6 months . Duration of preoperative anticholinergic drug using was calculated as 10.2 ± 4 months . Postoperative symptom score and daily incontinence episodes were seen to decrease to 8.2 ± 8.5 (p = 0.042 ) and 0.2 ± 0.4 ( p = 0.046 ) . Bladder capacity increased from 140 ± 45 mL to 206 ± 109 mL (p = 0.043 ) . Residual urine volume decreased from 31 ± 31 mL to 25 ± 25 mL (p = 0.7) . Peak flow rate increased from 16.8 ± 7.9 mL / sec to 18.4 ± 8.7mL / sec (p = 0.1) . The average flow rate increased from 8.6 ± 4.3 mL/sec to 7.2 ± 2.7 mL / sec (p = 0.1) . There was no postoperative complication according to Clavien classification. None of the patients had vesicoureteral reflux .
Concluding message
Intradetrusor injection of botulinum toxin type A is safe and effective treatment in pediatric patients with overactive bladder who failed to respond to anticholinergic therapy.
Funding no Clinical Trial No Subjects None
08/03/2025 03:01:46