Effectiveness of planned teaching program on bowel and bladder care in terms of knowledge and practice among the caregivers of spinal cord injury patients in low and lower middle income countries.

Datta T1, Datta T2, Mehta P1

Research Type


Abstract Category


Abstract 456
Conservative Management
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session 29
Saturday 10th September 2022
10:42 - 10:50
Hall G1
Conservative Treatment Mathematical or statistical modelling Quality of Life (QoL) Rehabilitation Spinal Cord Injury
1. Indian Association of Assistive Technologists, 2. Amity University Kolkata
Not Presented


Hypothesis / aims of study
This is the original research work done to overcome the practical difficulties of spinal cord injury patients in low and lower middle income countries. Many of the consequences associated with spinal cord injury with incontinence of bowel and bladder do not result from the condition itself, but from inadequate medical care and rehabilitation services. Patients with spinal cord injury are totally dependent on their caregivers initially after being discharged from hospital. Caregivers are usually from their family members and loved ones; to reduce the treatment cost (1). Patient’s and caregiver’s education is necessary for the safe, effective rehabilitation in terms of activities of daily living and quality of life.
The objectives of the study were to develop and validate a planned teaching program (PTP) on bowel and bladder care of spinal cord injury patients and to assess the level of knowledge and practice and to access the specialized skills in rehabilitation services. 
H-I:  The mean post-test knowledge score of the caregivers is significantly higher than their mean pre-test knowledge score after administration of planned teaching program on bowel and bladder care of SCI patients.
H2: The mean post-test practice score of the caregiver is significantly higher than their mean pre-test practice score after administration of PTP on bowel and bladder care of SCI patients.
Study design, materials and methods
Patients often get discharged with bowel and bladder problems and they need care during their rehabilitation at home. Hence the caregivers play a vital role in caring for these patients in their home environment and they can apply their knowledge gathered during patient’s hospital stay to practice bowel and bladder care (2).
The Demographic pro-forma for the caregiver regarding age, gender, educational qualification, occupation, any previous experience of caring of SCI patients, exposure to other sources regarding bowel and bladder care after SCI and relationship with the patient was collected. 
The conceptual framework of the study was based on System Model. Convenient sampling technique was used to obtain 40 male spinal cord injury patients with the caregivers as the sample. Structured interview schedule and observation checklist were used to collect data before and after the planned teaching program with a practical knowledge observation. The scale Short Form 36 (SF-36) was used to assess Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and the Caregivers Burden Scale (CB Scale) for care burden.
Review of the related literature is regarding bowel and bladder care of SCI patients and effect of planned teaching program on bowel and bladder care in terms of knowledge and practice among caregivers of spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The review of literature facilitates the investigator in designing and conducting the study. Literature also helped to establish the need for the study, to develop a conceptual framework, adopt a research design, develop tools and decide on plan of data analysis.
The findings revealed that the mean post-test knowledge score (17.2) and practice score (21.4) are higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (6.5) and practice score (14.6). The mean differences in both the cases are true differences as evident from paired t test values [‘t’ (39) = 23.26 p<0.001 and   ‘t (39) = 6.12, p<0.001 respectively]. Thus the null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted (3).
Interpretation of results
Interpretation of data obtained through demographic pro-forma, structured knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on bowel and bladder care among the care givers of spinal cord injury patients.
Concluding message
The research validates and concludes that the planned teaching program for care giver is effective in increasing knowledge and enhancing practice for the relatives and loved one form home and reduce the treatment cost (3). Statistically significant association was found between pre-test knowledge score and educational qualification. The study has several implications to access the ongoing health care, health education and products to reduce risk of secondary conditions and improve quality of life. The scope of the study can be enhanced if it could be conducted across a diverse population.
  1. Susan C. Reinhard, Barbara Given, Nirvana Huhtala Petlick, Ann Bemi. Supporting Family Caregivers in Providing Care. Available from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov > NCBI > Literature > Bookshelf
  2. Caliskan Yilmaz M, Ozsoy SA. Effectiveness of a planned teaching programme of knowledge of care givers on bowel care of spinal cord injury patients. 2010 Feb; 18(2); 243-53. Available from ttp://w.w.w.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/l9478759
  3. Rocha Junior PR, Corrente JE, Hattor CH, Oliveira IM, Zancheta D, Gallo CG, et al. The results of training of informal care givers on the quality of life of the elderly with a deficit in self-care. Cien Saude Co let. 2011 Jul; 16(7):3131 -7. Available from http://w.w.w. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21808901
Funding Academic no funding involved Clinical Trial Yes Registration Number WBH University of Health Science RCT Yes Subjects Human Ethics Committee Institute ethics committee Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes

Continence 2S2 (2022) 100430
DOI: 10.1016/j.cont.2022.100430

22/10/2024 01:23:29