John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Abstract Open-Discussion ePoster Guidelines


Open-discussion ePosters at the ICS Annual Meeting are ePoster presentations accepted to be displayed at the congress in the ePoster area and on the ICS website. Authors will have the opportunity to present their work to delegates during scheduled presentation slots.

ePoster Uploading online is now open

Deadline for online uploading your ePoster is Sunday the 27 August 2023.

If you do not upload by the deadline your ePoster will not be published on the ICS website. You will be able to upload your ePoster on site for presentation if necessary. Go to the ePoster helpdesk by the ePoster area in the Exhibition (be sure to upload well ahead of your session).

Please do not hesitate to contact the ICS Office if you require any further information.

ePoster Format

General Information: How to prepare and submit your ePoster:

  • All ePosters should be prepared in English.
  • Include Abstract Number in Title (and when you upload your ePoster).
  • One Page Document
  • Layout: Portrait (vertical orientation)
  • ePoster Size:
    • Pixels: Minimum recommended size (format W x H) is 1125 x 2000px
    • In inches/cm: 18”/45.72cm width and 32”/81.28cm height
    • Format: 9:16
    • DPI 300 pixels/inch
  • File Size: Maximum file size without the video is 5MB, including the video is 40MB.
  • File Format: Save your file as a PDF (.pdf) for quick and easy upload.
  • Media: Images/photos, graphs and tables can be included in the ePoster.
  • Multimedia: Videos can be included in the ePoster. (in order to embed movies inside PDF please use Adobe Acrobat Pro and only mp4 files are accepted encoded with h264 codec)
  • Maximum 4 videos per ePoster
  • Additional 2 videos can be uploaded separately, which can be played Fullscreen.

For detailed presentation guidelines and templates, refer to ePoster Display Guidelines and Templates

In-Person ePoster Presentation

The presentation will be facilitated with the use of an electronic poster board, on which you will upload your ePoster prior to the meeting date. The system will allow you to move around and zoom in on any section (just like a large iPad).

Presentation Time and Location

The ePoster Area is located in the exhibition area. ePoster Stations are numbered and each station will have an Session Chair that will manage the running order of your session and the Q&A. You can find the time of your presentation, ePoster station number, session details in the Abstract Centre. Please arrive at the start of your session and stay for all the presentations.

Presentation Timing

Your Presentation should be:

  • 3 minutes of oral presentation of your ePoster followed by
  • 2 minutes of discussion and questions hosted by the chair
  • Click here to find your presentation times
  • You should arrive at the ePoster hall, introduce yourself to the session chair and familiarise yourself with the ePoster system at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
  • Chairs will be asked to strictly enforce the time limit on your talk. Your question time will not be considered as part of your presentation time. You should therefore practice your talk prior to the meeting with particular regard to the timing.

Your abstract will be available during the annual meeting via the 2023 programme on the website.

Discussion, Questions and Answers

At the end of your presentation you will be asked questions about your abstract. The Chair of your session will facilitate questions from the audience. If English is not your first language, and you need assistance, please bring someone to help you translate.

10/03/2025 14:28:16  26376
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