Gender reassignment surgery (Vaginoplasty), with Tilapia Xenograft


Research Type


Abstract Category

Transgender Health

Abstract 293
Surgical Videos 3 - Wild Card
Scientific Podium Video Session 28
Friday 25th October 2024
16:00 - 16:07
Hall N104
Transgender Surgery Anatomy


Performing gender affirmation procedures has become increasingly common. Although many transgender patients do not choose to undergo the surgical transition process, surgery remains an option, however not all patients have enough tissue to build the neovagina, so the use of a graft is necessary, such is the case of tilapia xenografts.
A descriptive and observational study was carried out, evaluating a patient treated and post-vaginoplasty surgery in the period from April 2023 to December 2023. The patient had any of the following indications for performing vaginoplasty with tilapia xenograft; non-webbed scrotum, smaller foreskin 6cm, so it was necessary to implement tilapia fish skin as a graft.
An evaluation of the evolution was carried out in a post-operative patient with a tilapia xenograft procedure, the patient with close follow-up, with daily dilations, in addition to tissue integration care, hyperbaric oxygen sessions. A biopsy and vaginoscopy were performed with adequate integration of the and biopsy with the presence of epithelialization of the tilapia xenograft.
Vaginoplasty with tilapia skin xenograft presents this surgical alternative for the development of an anatomofunctional neovagina, with tissue similar to that of the vaginal mucosa, low cost and low morbidity.
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Funding Resources from public institutions, non-governmental organizations and private patient resources. Clinical Trial No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Hospital General de Tlahuac Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes

Continence 12S (2024) 101635
DOI: 10.1016/j.cont.2024.101635

09/03/2025 10:21:22