John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair




When you submit your abstract to ICS you agree to our copyright over the published form of your abstract. This now covers electronic publishing and hosting / streaming of video abstracts and posters. We require this copyright in order to act as the publisher displaying these works in every medium without having to go back to the author for permission.

  • The copyright of your original work and research which you as the author retain.
  • There is also the copyright of the typeset text when published on the ICS website and in print (if accepted for a podium / short oral your abstract is published in our journals Continence and Continence Reports).

You will retain copyright of your original work (the copy or text itself) and all intellectual property rights to your work.

ICS permits reprints of our published abstracts for educational purposes (non-commercial). For commercial purposes we would refer any such requests back to the original author (you).

ICS operates as a registered UK Charity with dissemination of research in the field of incontinence being one of our primary aims. Our publication of research (Abstracts at our meetings) comes under this.

Other Documents

Any works published under the ICS name by an ICS committee or working group as the author e.g. ICS Standardisation Reports are different and the copyright of the original work is held by ICS.

ICI Book

ICS gives permission to use the images contained for educational purposes (non-commercial), the source of the image must be properly referenced where used.

07/03/2025 17:47:56  15338
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