A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
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ICS General Secretary Elect Sherif Mourad introduces you to Vesicovaginal Fistula, discusses who suffers from it and its effects and how it can be treated.
Sherif Mourad talks through this large Vesicovaginal Fistula surgical repair case.
Presented by Gill Brook, Yvonne Saruchera and Sohier Elneil.
Discussion of obstetric fistula in underresourced settings. Prevalence, geographic location, pathophysiology, and risk factors will be discussed.
Salam Kouraogo President of ARFOD (Association for Research, Training and Development) speaks about prevention of fistula in Burkina Faso. Translated to Englich by Ahmed Alkaram MD.
Nursing lectures about how to are for the patient around the time of fistula surgery.
Helping women reenter their communities
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