John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Nursing Research at ICS 2015 Montreal


The Nursing Committee is actively involved in identifying opportunities for nurses to present their work and to be involved in ICS activities. The ICS is interested in engaging nurses to present their research at the main scientific meeting. For the 2015 ICS annual meeting in Montreal, we want to make you aware of the following changes and new opportunities.

• To encourage nurses to submit to the main scientific meetings, we will no longer have the separate abstract presentations at the Nursing Forum. The Nursing Committee hopes more nurses will submit an abstract to the annual meeting.

• Abstract categories have been revised by the ICS in response to feedback from members, including nurses. For example, Conservative Management and Rehabilitation have been split into separate categories and Ethics added to the Quality of Life category. As well, the new category Health Services Delivery has been developed.

• More nurses have been involved in reviewing scientific abstract submissions and will continue to do so for 2016. The Nursing Committee was invited to put names forward of nurse members interested in participating in reviewing abstracts for the main meeting. If you are interested in participating in the scientific review for future conferences, please let us know as we will keep a list of potential reviewers.

• We are also interested in having early career nurse scholars participate in the “Early Career” sessions (e.g. tips on posters and career building sessions). If you are a PhD student, new PhD or Post Doctorate please consider participating in these sessions. It increases the profile of nursing research at the meeting, and provides opportunities for learning, networking and potential future collaborations. As information comes available, we will update Nursing Committee members on how to get involved.

Kathleen Hunter and Donna Bliss
Nursing Committee – Research Subcommittee Chair and Chair

03/03/2025 19:29:03  2203
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