John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

About the Committee

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About the Committee

Promoting Excellence

The value of the SSC is in promoting best standards when clinicians and allied professionals communicate with patients and colleagues, undertake diagnostic tests, proceed to therapeutic interventions and undertake research. Precise use of agreed terminology ensures clear understanding for collaborating centres and readers of publications. Adherence to the diagnostic testing standards gives patients and clinical colleagues confidence that conclusions on which important therapeutic decisions are based are reliable. Development of future insights into mechanisms and treatments of the disease areas relevant to the ICS is enhanced where research studies employ internationally-standardised approaches.

The ongoing principles are that the:

  1. Documents be of the highest quality, contemporary, interesting and a valuable contribution to the academic wealth of the ICS and any other societies collaboration from time to time

  2. Definitions be accurate, concise and, unless there is good cause, consistent.

SSC Functions

  • Working to develop and support a programme of development of professional Standardisation documents relating to terminology, diagnostics, clinical management and research in the areas of activity of the ICS
  • Undertaking timely revision of Standardisation documents to ensure they retain contemporaneous relevance, assimilating feedback from all stakeholders
  • Promoting adherence to Standardisation document recommendations in professional practice of all clinicians and allied professionals working in ICS areas of activity
  • Providing regular information on SSC activity to the ICS membership
  • Supporting infrastructure for reciprocal and responsive dialogue between the SSC and the ICS membership
  • Developing and maintaining a high-quality SSC microsite on the website
  • Providing advice to the ICS Trustees in relation to policy issues that relate to the SSC activities
  • Developing effective working relationships with other ICS Committees and allied organisations outside the ICS

Methodology of ICS Report Development

For the ever-changing context of modern-day medicine, the revision and initiation of reports is the responsibility of specially-convened Working Groups.

If you wish to propose development of a future report or wish to express your interest in joining a working group, please email Danielle at the ICS Office for forwarding to the Chairperson of the SSC.

23/02/2025 09:11:17  14837
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