John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

27 - 28 November 2014

London, United Kingdom





Neurogenic Bladder course in London


The Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee will be holding a number of Neurogenic Bladder day courses in 2014. A joint venture between the Department of Uro-Neurology, Queen Square, University College London and the Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of the ICS

The Scientific Program of the Neurogenic Bladder 2 day course in London organised by Jalesh Panicker taking place on Thursday November 27th and Friday November 28th.

Thursday 27th November

Topic | Time | Speaker
Welcome | 1325 | Jalesh Panicker and Helmut Madersbacher
Neural control of the lower urinary tract in health and disease | 1330-1400 | Jalesh Panicker
Evaluating lower urinary tract dysfunction in the male and female neurological patient | 1400-1445 | Mahreen Pakzad and Sohier Elneil
The role of neurophysiology in the evaluation of lower urinary tract dysfunction | 1445-1505 | Martina Liechti
Sexual dysfunction in the neurological patient: evaluation and management 1505-1535 | Sharon Wood
Tea | 1535-1555 |
The pelvic floor in neurological patients | 1555-1625 | Doreen McLurg
Bowel dysfunction in the neurological patient: evaluation and management | 1625-1655 | Anton Emmanuel
Panel discussion: Evaluating the neurological patient who reports bladder/bowel/sexual problems | 1655-1725 | Chair: Helmut Madersbacher. Discussants- Jalesh Panicker, Mahreen Pakzad, Anton Emmanuel, Sharon Wood, Doreen McLurg
Intermittent catheterisation and the neurological patient- barriers faced | 1725-1755 | Collette Haslam

Friday 28th November

Topic | Time | Speaker
Pharmacotherapy for neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction | 0900-0930 | Helmut Madersbacher
Botulinum toxin for neurogenic lower urinary dysfunction: an update | 0930-1000 | Rizwan Hamid
Neuromodulation: Sacral neuromodulation and PTNS | 1000-1030 | Sohier Elneil
Surgery for neurogenic LUT dysfunction | 1030-1100 | Waleed Al Taweel
Coffee | 1100-1130 |
Panel discussion: Managing the neurological patient who has failed antimuscarinics | 1130-1200 | Chair: Julian Shah. Discussants: Helmut Madersbacher, Rizwan Hamid, Waleed Al Taweel, Sohier Elneil, Thomas Kessler
How does the urinary tract alter in neurological disease | 1200-1230 | Marcus Drake
Dementia | 1230-1255 | Helmut Madersbacher
Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders | 1255-1320 | Jalesh Panicker
Lunch | 1320-1415 |
Multiple Sclerosis | 1415-1440 | Thomas Kessler
Spinal cord injury and cauda equina syndrome | 1440-1505 | Melissa Davies
Spina Bifida | 1505-1530 | Dan Woods
Non-urological causes for Urinary retention | 1530-1555 | Clare J. Fowler
Urinary tract infections: the bane of the neurological patient | 1555-1620 | Mahreen Pakzad
Tea | 1620-1640 |
Break-out sessions | 1640-1725 |
Video-urodynamics | | Mahreen Pakzad, Hashim Hashim, Robert Kightley
Catheters & appliances/PTNS | | Gwen Gonzales , Collette Haslam
Conclusion | 1725 |

To download a copy of the programme please click here; Programme

For more information or to register for the course please contact Anne Ho Alternatively please contact Jenny at the ICS office;

06/03/2025 00:14:29  1985
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