John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

20 - 24 May 2015

Fortaleza, Brazil





Post ICS-IUGA Course 2015


The ICS will be hosting a post ICS-IUGA course 20-24th May at Hotel Seara, Fortaleza, Brazil. The Post ICS-IUGA congress promotes activities of ICS and IUGA stimulating research and education in the multidisciplinary fields of pelvic floor dysfunctions.

Maura Seleme and Bary Berghmans are the local hosts and ICS coordinators on behalf of this course. The ICS speakers for this course are Paulo Palma, Nucelio Lemos and Bary Berghmans who been invited to speak on behalf of the ICS regarding the following topics:

Paulo Palma

  • Surgery in prolapse and urinary incontinence. Impact on sexual life

Nucelio Lemos

  • Neurophysiology of urinary incontinence

  • Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Neurogenic Pelvic Floor Disorders

  • New perspectives of neuromodulation in patients with Neurological Bladder Urinary Disorders

  • How to do an effective treatment plan?

Bary Berghmans:

  • Anatomy and Physiology of the pelvic floor muscles

  • How to do an assessment based on evidence of pelvic floor muscles?

  • Working slow fibers, fast fibers, reflexes, pre-contraction, strength, endurance?

  • Different strategies for pelvic floor dysfunctions

  • Functional Training of the pelvic floor

  • Perineal changes during pregnancy and postpartum

  • Physical therapy. Treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction during pregnancy and post-partum based on evidence

  • Hyperactive Pelvic Floor

  • Female Sexual Dysfunctions. Physiotherapy Based on Evidence

  • Evaluation and physical therapy diagnosis according to ICF

  • Establish evaluation and physical therapy diagnosis according to CIF

The course will have keynote lectures from dr. Nucelio Lemos (Br), prof.dr. Paulo Palma (Br), dr. Rogerio de Fraga (Br), dr. Maura Seleme (Brazil), dr. Bary Berghmans (NL).

For more information please click here to view the programme, course information and venue details. To register for this event click here to register online or call for free 0800 602 2828. Alternatively e-mail:

03/03/2025 09:11:56  2200
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