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DAY 1: Friday 8 December 2017

Start End Topic Speakers
0745 0800 Official Opening and Welcome Sherif Mourad & Chris Payne
0800 12:30 Section 1: Female incontinence A to Z
0800 0820 Structured approach to bladder function/dysfunction Chris Payne
0820 0845 Efficient evaluation of the incontinent woman Holly Richter
0845 0910 Pharmacologic therapy Alan Wein
0910 0930 Conservative measures for female SUI--PFMT/biofeedback & devices Diane Newman
0930 1000 Primary interventions for SUI & ISD--slings and things Mike Kennelly, Sherif Mourad, Vani Dandolu
1000 1030 Q&A and/or Cases for the panel All Faculty
1030 1100 Coffee Break
1100 1125 When have conservative measures failed in OAB? Alan Wein
1125 1145 Botox injections 2017: indications and technique Sherif Mourad
1145 1215 Neuromodulation in 2017- PTNS, InterStim, the future Mike Kennelly
1215 1245 Q&A and OAB cases for the panel All Faculty
1245 1345 Lunch Break
1345 1745 Section 2: Miscellaneous problems in Female Pelvic Medicine
1345 1415 IC/BPS: The Emperor has no clothes Chris Payne
1415 1445 Nocturia: a nonurological perspective Jeannette Potts
1445 1515 Bladder trauma and fistula Sherif Mourad
1515 1545 Fecal incontinence: practical evaluation and management Holly Richter
1545 1615 Coffee Break
1615 1645 ICS Good Urodynamic Practice Update Chris Payne
1645 1715 Problem solving cases in Urodynamics Panel
1715 1745 Questions & wrap-up day 1 Panel
1800 1930 Congress reception in hall with sponsors

DAY 2: Saturday 9 December 2017

Start End Topic Speakers
0715 0815 Industry Sponsored Symposium
0830 0845 Greeting and Summary of day 1 Sherif Mourad & Chris Payne
0845 1045 Section 3: Neurogenic Bladder- Keep the patient safe and dry
0845 0915 Evaluation of Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction & ICS Algorithm Alan Wein
0915 0945 Who are the patients--Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Stroke Mike Kennelly
0945 1015 Basic Management: Balancing safety and convenience for the patient Diane Newman
1015 1045 Advanced Management: Destroyed outlet and diversions Sherif Mourad
1045 1115 Coffee Break
1115 1215 Section 4: Pelvic floor evaluation
1115 1145 Surgical Anatomy Incontinence and Prolapse Vani Dandolu
1145 1215 Functional Anatomy Incontinence and Pain Jeannette Potts
1215 1315 Lunch Break
1315 1700 Section 5: Pelvic organ prolapse
1315 1355 Native tissue vaginal repairs Holly Richter
1355 1425 Role of mesh repairs in 2017 Vani Dandolu
1425 1455 Preventing and managing mesh complications Mike Kennelly
1455 1525 Coffee Break
1525 1600 Urethral challenges: caruncle, diverticuli, stricture, etc. Chris Payne
1600 1640 Q&A, case presentations Panel
1640 1700 Closing remarks Sherif Mourad & Chris Payne

Programme subject to change

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