

Web-based seminar

Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web (website/internet) using video conferencing software. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements: the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time.

Using Webinar software participants can share documents and applications and audio with webinar attendees. This is useful when the webinar host is conducting a lecture or information session. While the presenter is speaking they can share desktop applications and documents.

Webinars are particularly suited for the following content:-
• A detailed examination of a niche topic from a fresh angle
• A panel discussion of a timely, news-based issue
• A thorough, example-driven “how-to” tutorial
• An adaptation of a presentation from a conference speaking engagement
• An interview with a thought leader

This document has been designed to assist those Working/Committee groups/individuals who wish to develop a Webinar and to ensure adherence with the approved process.

The final product will contain:
• A clear outline of learning objectives
• A clearly defined specific topic
• A skilled presenter/host
• A PowerPoint presentation
• Content which is recorded and is then made available to full membership online

Creation of Working/Committees
Please follow the SOP for creation of a working group here.

Disclosure and sponsorship guidelines
Please follow the ICS SOP for Disclosure and sponsorship when creating content here

General Information

  • Webinar presenters should consider that all healthcare disciplines may participate in the webinar. This is preferred by ICS standards, however, depending on the nature of the content, is not always possible to have multidisciplinary involvement.
  • The presenter must ensure that he or she can be clearly understood to an international audience, e.g. clear speech, free of strong accent, speaking at an understandable pace.
  • All external content (published images, videos etc) should be referenced and used only with the permission of the publishers.
  • Webinars should not last longer than 1 hour.
  • ICS standard terminology should be used throughout.
  • The ICS will not provide financial support for face to face meetings of any group preparing webinar content but will consider budget proposals with economy travel for and individual to attend the ICS office for the webinar.
  • The ICS office will assist with setting up a forum for the group to exchange ideas and content for review. The office can also offer facilities for teleconference, upon approval of a budget request.
  • Normally, a timeline from inception to completion should not be more than four months.

Webinar creation procedure

Stage Action Comment
Proposal Stage Creation of committee/working group/individual to prepare proposal. This can be a committee who have decided to prepare a webinar or a group of ICS members or an individual. ICS Membership is expected except by exception.
Proposal Stage Proposal format is according to the ICS Content Proposal Form. Budget and proposal is sent to ICS office. Proposal should explain the content in no more than 2 pages outlining the aims and objectives, learning outcomes, target audience and requirement for content. The target audience should be identified, the strategy for invitation, and the educational needs identified. A clearly defined specific topic and a skilled presenter/host should be identified. Plans for technical quality should be presented to ICS IT. 3-4 independent reviewers should be requested at this stage for approval, selected by the first author. It is acceptable to ask for recommendations for reviewers. These reviewers are notified that they have been selected by the office. ICS Office will ensure no overlap with other working groups and will advise the appropriate committee. ICS office to inform Board of Trustees, Education, Standardisation committee and relevant Committee of proposal in progress, comments by objection only. Budget to be approved by Board of Trustees.
Preparatory Stage Content, script and PowerPoint/videos are prepared Office will assist with creating online fora for easy discussion and monitoring/chasing if required.
Review Stage Where relevant script and slide set is sent to three/four independent ICS experts. The independent reviewers are to provide constructive feedback to the authors. This feedback will need to be seriously considered and incorporated into the content where appropriate. The experts should respond within 3 weeks with appropriate feedback.
Final Review Stage The final revised manuscript and slide set are sent to the Education, Standardisation Steering Committee, and any relevant ICS Committee. It should be noted that the Education and Standardisation committees are not commenting on the content of the module but are reviewing for educational value and terminology adherence. These Committees should respond within 2 weeks.
Publication Stage In conjunction with the ICS office the time and date for the live webinar is announced to the proposed audience and invitations are sent requesting members to join.
Implementation Stage Once the live webinar has occurred the content is then reviewed for technical quality by ICS IT, edited and the content disseminated via the ICS website, Institute, ICS TV, member emails, social media and other outlets.

How to create a successful webinar

Points to consider when creating webinar content.
• Settle on a specific idea
• Choose the right presenter/host
• Pick the best format for your chosen topic. Is your webinar going to be hosted by a single presenter? Will it be an interview Q&A-style webinar with two speakers? A panel discussion with numerous guests and a moderator? Will you need attendees to submit questions in advance? Who is the audience?
• Promotion of the webinar is key to its success. It is important to allow the office adequate time in order to inform members.
• Create an excellent slideshow presentation where images are presented to the audience, markup tools and a remote mouse pointer are used to engage the audience while the presenter discusses slide content.
• Write a strong script.
• Run test webinars in conjunction with the ICS office.
• Consider using whiteboards with annotation (allowing the presenter and/or attendees to highlight or mark items on the slide presentation. Or, simply make notes on a blank whiteboard.)
• Allow time for text chat or live chat with participants.
• Use polls and surveys (allows the presenter to conduct questions with multiple choice answers directed to the audience)

Other resources:

20/10/2024 15:51:54  15230
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