John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Working Groups and Projects


Creative collaboration in ICS committees

These pages provide an overview and guidance for creating educational & scientific content developed under the auspices of the ICS.

ALL committee projects must be signed off by the Committee Chair so please contact your chair in the first instance.

Once a project has the sign off, the relevant committee is then responsible for supporting the project through to completion.

Office Support & Marketing

The office can provide administrative assistance where required (and agreed at the outset of the project) but this should be kept to a minimum as resources are limited, particularly during the run up to the ICS Annual Meeting.

The office can offer marketing support for your project, for example promoting your finalised publication on our social media channels, in e-newsletters sent to our subscribers, and via news stories on ICS News.

  • News Articles: If you have a news story that you would like to feature on ICS News
    please contact the ICS Office with the information/text and an image that you would like to be included. Please ensure that you copy the Committee Chair when contacting the office. The article will also be linked to your committee page and may be included in the monthly ICS e-newsletter/membership mailer (subject to availability).
  • Social Media: Should you wish to discuss any social media requirements e.g. an idea for new post, please email Danielle to discuss your requirements.
  • Mailers: If you would like a mailer* to be sent out to the ICS community, please send this to Danielle to discuss. Please copy in your committee Chair into the request email and provide a MS Word document of the information to be sent, including when you would like this to be sent out and to whom e.g. all members, specific profession only etc. Your committee chair should also approve the mailer before it is sent.

*Please note, mailer opportunities are limited as we do not want to overwhelm our subscribers with mailings. When considering your request, we take into account factors such as the number of communications already scheduled and the relevance/ value to our subscribers. The office has a calendar of scheduled mail outs and it may not be possible to email your mailer on the day that you have requested. In this instance the office will advise you of alternative days and work with you on an updated schedule.

Getting Started

Before creating any form of ICS content, please ensure you are aware of and follow the below points:

  1. ICS Content Proposal form
    All content to be prepared should be explained within the ICS Content Proposal Form and should be signed of by the committee chair before it is sent to the ICS office.
  2. How to Create a Working Group
    The Committee should first agree and confirm working group members and notify the office so the group can be added to the committee microsite. Although working group members don’t have to be members of the committee, they MUST be ICS Members.
  3. Disclosure and Sponsorship
    Guidelines on disclosures and sponsorship when creating ICS content.
  4. Developing Evidence-based standards
    The document by P. Rosier et al sets out the structure and process which each new ICS Standard should follow.

Project-specific Guidance

Below are the key points for the Committee to know, depending on the project category:

Publication Projects

Publication projects includes Standardisation Reports, White Papers, ICS Committee Papers/Reports, and ICS Consensus Statements/Guidelines.

  • The Committee is to lead the development of the project up to publication.
  • The Board Rep must be included in the development of the paper and final committee sign-off. The Board Rep will keep the ICS Board of Trustees updated on the publication and approve the paper on their behalf.
  • Once the final draft of a publication is ready for submission, the Committee needs to inform the ICS Office, so they are aware ahead of time that an ICS paper is going to be submitted to the ICS Journals.
  • The Committee then submits the final content to the ICS Journals where it will go through the journal peer review system to ensure quality and scientific credibility.
  • The ICS Office will promote the completed paper through the ICS marketing channels.

Video Projects

Video projects include ICS Education Modules, ICS Express Learning and Webinars

  • It is the responsibility of the Committee to source speakers, provide the content and arrange a suitable time/date with the faculty for recordings and rehearsals.
  • The ICS Office can support with video editing once your recordings have been made.
  • The ICS Office will also promote the final video through the ICS marketing channels.

Other Projects
Any projects that don’t fit one of the above two categories – this could be Annual Meeting Content, Education Courses or collaboration with other societies for example. These projects should be discussed at the committee meeting held during the ICS Annual Meeting and then proposed to the ICS Board of Trustees for approval.

12/02/2025 17:50:45  27171
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