John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Board Rep Committee Responsibilities


Responsibilities of an ICS Board of Trustees Representative on the Committee

An ICS Board of Trustees Representative (Board Rep) will sit on each ICS Committee as a non-voting member. This is intended to improve communication between the ICS Board of Trustees and Committees. The Board Rep will have the dual role of advocating the work of the committee and ensuring that committee work is governed within the strategic direction of the ICS.

The responsibilities of the Board Rep include:

  • Attendance at formal meetings of the committee (face to face and online)
  • Keeping abreast of committee activity by involvement in email discussions, projects and in reading all minutes and reports.
  • Report on committee activities to the ICS Board of Trustees. This will not replace the formal mid-year and annual committee reports of the Chair.
  • Reporting on ICS Board of Trustee activities to the committee.
  • To act as source of ad hoc advice to committee Chair.
  • To act as lead trustee for annual revisions to committee’s terms of reference document.
  • To work with the committee Chair to ensure the terms of reference fit committee and ICS strategy.

_Appointment of Board Reps should be by mutual ICS Board of Trustees agreement, however, each shall be appointed at the discretion of the General Secretary.

04/03/2025 06:51:33  27176
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