John Heesakkers

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Yasser Farahat

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Scientific Chair

Zoom Meeting Security


Handling inappropriate behaviour in Zoom meetings

Remove unwanted or disruptive participants:

You can remove someone from your meeting by using the Security Icon or Participants menu which can be found along the toolbar.

On the Participants menu:

  • To help you identify the person who is speaking/sharing inappropriate content, you will see the sound level going up and down on their microphone icon.
  • Hover over the participant’s name and several options will appear, including Remove.
  • Click ‘Remove’ to kick someone out of the meeting. When you do remove someone, they can’t rejoin the meeting. (You can toggle your settings to allow removed participants to rejoin in case you removed the wrong person).

Or on the Security icon:

  • At the bottom, in red, you can ‘Suspend Participant Activities’, which could be used during a call if you are struggling to identify who is causing the disruption. This function allows hosts and co-hosts to pause the meeting to remove and report an offending party and prevent further disruption. Selecting this temporarily halts all video, audio, in-meeting chat, annotation, screen sharing, and recording, and end Breakout Rooms. You can resume the meeting by re-enabling the individual features.
  • The security menu also gives you the option to disable the function for all participants to unmute themselves or share their screens.

Mute a disruptive participant

Hosts can mute/unmute individual participants or ALL participants at once to block unwanted, distracting, or inappropriate noise.

  • Click on Participants
  • Click Mute All (ensure ‘Allow participants to unmute themselves is unticked) or hover a participant and click on Mute to mute only them.

Disable video

Hosts can turn someone’s video off. This will allow hosts to block unwanted, distracting, or inappropriate gestures on video.

Manage screen sharing

To prevent unwanted screen sharing in your public session, you can take control of the screen and sharing content with the group. You can restrict this — before the meeting and during the meeting in the host control bar — so that you’re the only one who can screen share. (If you disable screen sharing, the Whiteboard setting will be automatically disabled as well).

  • Using the host controls at the bottom, click the arrow next to “Share Screen” and go to “Advanced Sharing Options.” Under “Who can share?” choose “Only Host” to allow only the host and co-hosts to share their screen.

You can also toggle sharing privileges under the Security icon in your window or change the default sharing option in your Zoom settings:

12/02/2025 19:58:15  26918
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