John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

ICS Masterclass Panelist


Zoom Webinar speaker instructions

Thank you for your participation as a panellist in an ICS Zoom webinar.

Your Presentation

You may give your presentation live during the webinar or pre-record your presentation. In either case, please ensure that you keep your talk to the length of time requested in the session schedule. We also would expect you to participate in the live Q&A/Discussion section at the end of the webinar whether you are presenting live or pre-recording your presentation.

Presenting live

  • Please open your slides before your presentation slot, while the session chair introduces your talk, please start sharing your presentation.
  • For privacy, we recommend selecting the relevant app (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) rather than sharing your full computer screen.
  • If your presentation includes video, remember to check “optimise for video”.
  • When you reach the end of your presentation time, please stop sharing.


  • Recordings must be completed one week before the webinar date. Any later and presenters will be asked to present live.
  • ICS staff will provide you with a Zoom meeting link for your recording. You may join this meeting at any convenient time.
  • The meeting will automatically record and notify ICS staff on completion.
  • Please enable your webcam and test your microphone before starting to present.
  • We recommend approaching this as you would a live presentation.

Zoom Session Instructions

  • You are required to join the webinar 30 minutes ahead of the session start time, for technical briefing and practice with ICS staff.
  • ICS will provide your calendar invite with this panellist start time.
  • Your Zoom webinar link is unique to you, please do not share it.
  • We recommend using a wired internet connection rather than WiFi, this will provide a more stable and faster connection.

Attendee participation

Attendees will be able to ask questions in text form using Zoom’s built in Q&A and Chat. Attendees will not be able to speak or enable their webcam.


  • Questions are visible only to panellists until answered.
  • Panellists may type answers or verbally answer questions.
  • Verbal answers should address the attendee who asked the questions.
  • Questions marked answered by panellists are visible to all attendees.


  • All panellists and participants can text chat throughout the session.
  • Panellists may type here or respond verbally.
  • There will be a dedicated presenter’s channel which can be used for chats between the speakers and moderators.

Webinar recording

The webinar will be recorded and available to all registered participants within 7 days of the event.

Other considerations

13/02/2025 01:47:22  26919
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