John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

ICS Affiliate Membership programme


ICS seeks affiliation with other continence organisations

Any international, national or regional organisation who has a focus or interest in the field of incontinence may apply by application for affiliation with ICS. As the only international multi-disciplinary society that focuses solely on incontinence, the ICS is seeking affiliation with other organisations in order to enhance management of incontinence care.

Depending on the chosen payment option (see below) benefits of affiliation include the following:

  • Substantial reduction in registration for our annual meeting
  • Opportunities to publicise activities and events on our website and in eNews
  • The affiliate society's logo will feature on the ICS website with links to the society's website.
  • Plus much more, see membership benefits

Applications will be reviewed by the ICS Board of Trustees, and a response will be given within 30 days. A minimum of 30 paying members are required. A society representing a small nation/interest group may apply for exception to this minimal number requirement.

The ICS membership year runs from January to December but the actual open subscription time may vary as the annual membership is closed one week before the annual meeting.

Receiving discounted membership: payment options

Societies can either pay for their membership fees in one payment or we are now able to provide each member with a discount code which allows members to pay independently, using our online secure payments system.

Discount Code Option:
If a society should choose this option, members will receive an ICS code unique to their society. They can then join and pay for discounted ICS membership using this code. The ICS office will monitor membership numbers and forward reports on a regular basis.

Invoice Option:
Should a society wish to co-ordinate affiliate membership on behalf of their members, the ICS office will provide an invoice covering all fees and payment will be required in advance of membership being processed. The invoice must be paid within 30 days.

A list of prospective members names and details must be provided to the ICS office in the agreed format via excel spreadsheet. On receipt the ICS office will identify any duplications and arrange for a personal refund to that member. Once the database has been compiled an invoice will be issued by the ICS office directly to the society which must be payable within 30 days. The society may wish to split the members subscription depending on when their membership deadline falls and this can be agreed directly with the ICS office. However once the ICS membership closes for that year, no further affiliate members can join. For those societies who are unable to co-ordinate membership on behalf of their members, we are now able to offer the use of a discount code, unique to that society. Members can join or renew and pay for their discounted membership online, using this code. The ICS office will monitor membership numbers and forward reports on a regular basis.

Affiliate Rates per Member

Membership Type Discount Amount Final Rate
Full £40 £80
Nurse/Physio/Early Career Prof. £30 £50
Developing World £30 £50

ICS membership is defined with the ICS Bylaws. An affiliate society must ensure that all its members are aware of the ICS Bylaws and Code of Conduct.

If you are are interested in registering your society as an affiliate of the ICS, please download and complete the Affiliate Society Application. Please send the completed application to the ICS office at

It is possible for Affiliate Societies to have their meeting abstracts published for free in the official Journals of ICS, Continence or Continence Reports. Please contact the ICS Office if you are interested in exploring this opportunity.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ICS office at

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