John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Howard Brian Goldman


Education Committee Chair Applicant

Mission Statement

The ICS Education Committee has been served with excellent leadership in the recent past and has managed the educational initiatives of the ICS, particularly in the light of the challenges due to Covid, remarkably well. My aim would be to continue that able leadership and the transition back to live events as we hopefully come out from the pandemic. However, many of the virtual programs that became necessary have proved to be quite useful and popular and that avenue of education will need to be maintained and nourished. My goal will be to maintain the high standards of the ICS educational programs, develop new and diverse talent to become involved in educational activities and identify areas where new educational initiatives are needed. I believe reaching out to the membership from a widespread geography can help inform the ICS of the educational needs and areas of interest. Within live events, particularly at the Annual Meeting, I think we need to continue to look for different more engaging ways to educate. While traditional didactics certainly have a role, I believe we need to continue to look at new ways of engaging the learners, in particular as the younger members have come of age when new educational methods and technologies have changed the way they assimilate information. In short, I would aim to continue the outstanding educational efforts of the ICS while at the same time looking for new ways to further the ICS’s educational mission.

Skills, abilities and experience

I have had much experience in education, leading teams and working with the ICS. I currently serve on the ICS education committee. I was also on the AUA education committee for four years and led a number of their initiatives during that time. I have also served as the on-line education director for IUGA . I have chaired a number of meetings and served as program co-director of many important meetings including the ICS 2020, SUFU 2019, INUS 2019 and others. I have run the AUA Annual Review Course for the last 7 years during which I evaluate the topics and presentations, choose speakers, review all the speakers and continually update and improve the course. I am also currently the co-director of the AUA Board Review interactive app/book. All of these experiences have taught me multiple ways to develop, critique and improve educational activities. I have led many groups and teams both in the national and international professional associations I am involved with and at my “real job” at the Cleveland Clinic. Finally, I have worked in a very productive manner with the ICS office for the last few years – this good relationship is critical to success in this role.

Elections 2022

03/03/2025 09:46:26  19145
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