John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Jian Guo Wen


Trustee Applicant

Mission Statement

ICS has done a great job in organizing conferences, supporting research and education, creating international standardization, guidelines as well as patient’s service. The fundamental goal of the ICS is to improve the quality of life and the life expectancy for all individuals with deficient bladder function, expressed as problems of storage and evacuation of urine. As an ICS Gold member with experiences of served 3 committees, the Children Committee (CYAC), Urodynamic Committee, Ethics Committee and the Children’s School, I am confidence to make more contribution to the future CS development by doing the following works.

  1. To maximize the activities of the society and develop more committees. So that many young members have chance to join the new committee and be active. It has a great opportunity to strengthen an international prestige and importance in opening to the new areas with the changing health care environment in the future.
  2. To initiate, co-ordinate and give advice on preparing guidelines and teaching models , especially in children and adolescents care.
  3. To strengthen the ties with global societies and international academic journal in incontinence area so that we can interact efficiently. Especially, to facilitate the cooperation of ICS with other Asian professional societies, such as the Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Urology (APAPU).
  4. To organize more training program to enhance knowledge, especially urodynamic studies in children and adolescents.
  5. To pay more attention of role of transition urology in the coming years as more children with paediatric diseases become adults.
  6. To support the ICS annual meeting by co-organizing the academic program, to submit more research papers, to encourage more people to come to the meeting and present their work, especially the people come from Asia countries.
  7. To found more funds for these academic and educational activities of ICS.

Skills, abilities and experience

I qualified and awarded MD from Henan Medical University(1984), PhD from Tonji Medical University China (1991), PhD from Medical Faculty of Aarhus University Denmark(2000), I have been working on urodynamics and incontinence for more than 30 years, serviced in CYAC and Urodynamic Committee of ICS for 6 years, Ethics Committee for 1 year; Director of Children’s School for 3 year. As a Chair and Speaker I organized 4 Workshops at the ICS annual meeting. I had 31 abstracts accepted to present in ICS annual meeting during the past 5years. Together with my team, I have published more than 700 research papers either in Chinese or English including 2 ICS educational modules on paediatric urodynamics, 1 ICS report on the terminology for nocturia and nocturnal lower urinary tract function, a book of “Urodynamics in Childhood and Adolescence (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG,2018) and first book of “Pediatric Urodynamics” in China. I am now the Chair of Paediatric Urodynamic and Pelvic Floor Association of China. As a long-standing member of the ICS, I am confident that, together with other trustees, I can contribute substantially to the ICS. Based on these involvements I have the knowledge and skills to be trustee of ICS.

Elections 2022

09/03/2025 22:40:14  19135
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