John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

William Gibson


Scientific Committee Specialist representative (other profession) Applicant

Mission Statement

Incontinence is the epitome of a multidisciplinary issue, and the ICS represents the power of bringing together researchers from all disciplines. As a member of the scientific committee I would work to continue the ICS’ strong traditions of welcoming research from the fundamentals of molecular mechanisms all the way up to healthcare system interventions to promote continence and treat incontinence across the lifespan.

My vision for the ICS is to continue this strong tradition of research, acknowledging the challenges which will arise moving forward. Research funding is becoming more challenging to obtain, both from governmental agencies and pharma companies. The Scientific Committee of the ICS has a key role in supporting and encouraging ICS members at all career stages to continue to produce high quality and relevant research within a restricted funding envelope. In particular, I would support the progression of the next-generation of continence enthusiasts through developing mentorship within the ICS, allowing the formation of international links and collaborations.

Skills, abilities and experience

I have been a member of the ICS for 10 years and a regular attendee and contributor to the annual scientific meeting. I have a clinical practice in incontinences, working in a tertiary continence clinic. I hold a PhD in and have a continuing research program in incontinence, specifically the links between falls and LUTS in older adults.

Elections 2022

25/02/2025 16:17:25  19141
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