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Welcome to the award-winning Madrid

Monday 04 Mar 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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“Welcome to Madrid, a vital, welcoming and cosmopolitan city, where no one feels like a foreigner.” – Madrid Convention Bureau

Not only is Madrid considered one of the major cultural capitals of Europe, it has been recognised as the top European destination for meetings and conferences for the last six years, and named the world's leading professional meeting destination for two years running, making it a perfect host city for ICS 2024.

The Spanish capital is a unique destination, boasting an extensive range of cultural and leisure activities as well as a vast hotel and transport network, making it the ideal destination for delegates. The city is home to the world's oldest working restaurant, Sobrino de Botín (which also features in the final scene of Ernest Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises) and world renowned art galleries, including The Prado Museum, which celebrated its 200th anniversary back in 2019 and The Museo Reina Sofía which is home to Pablo Picasso's most prominent piece, Guernica.

Nestled within the city is the Cibeles Fountain, and historic squares Plazo Mayor and Puerta del Sol – within which stands the city's official symbol: a statue of a bear nuzzling a strawberry tree. The square also marks the central point of Spain, where all major radial roads in Spain emanate and are measured from. Madrid is not only the cultural centre of Spain!

Other must-see landmarks include:

  • Salamanca District and El Retiro Park: Stroll through the chic Salamanca district for some shopping, then head to El Retiro Park, where you can rent a boat on the pond. Don’t miss the Puerta de Alcalá just outside the park.
  • Gran Vía and Plaza de España: Wander down Gran Vía, Madrid’s most famous shopping street (beware of the occasional pickpocket depending on the time of day), and continue to Plaza de España to see the Edificio España where you'll find a a lift up to a panoramic view of the city
  • Sunset at the Temple of Debod: End your day at the Temple of Debod in Parque del Oeste, where you’ll enjoy stunning views of the Royal Palace at sunset.

Food in Madrid
"For a traditional Madrid dish, try cocido madrileño, a hearty chickpea stew. My favourite spot for cocido is La Taberna de Daniela. Or a unique dish you might not expect is the ‘Calamari Sandwich or Bocadillo de Calamares’. I know it sounds odd, but it's simply delicious—crispy fried squid rings tucked into a crusty bread roll, topped with a spoon of alioli or mayo, and maybe a squeeze of lemon. Don’t judge it until you’ve tried it! La Campana is a well-known spot to give it a go, and it’s pretty good!"

– Paula Igualada-Martinez, ICS Physiotherapy Committee Chair and a local Madrilenian

And of course, a trip to Spain wouldn't be complete without trying the local tapas. La Latina is famous for its tapas bars, particularly the well-known restaurant Casa Lucio, where we have it on good authority (thank you, Paula) that you MUST order the huevos rotos with jamón ibérico.

Travel around Marid

  • Taxi: There’s a flat fee of 33 euros for taxis to and from the airport.
  • Public Transport: From the airport, you can also take the metro or bus into central Madrid, which takes about 30 minutes and costs 5-10 euros. If you’re staying in central Madrid, the metro is convenient and located right outside the conference centre, with a journey time of 20-30 minutes. A taxi from central Madrid to the conference centre costs around 20-30 euros, depending on traffic.
  • Metro and Bus Cards: If you plan to use the metro or buses, it’s worth getting a transport card, as you can’t use your bank card on the metro. However, you can pay as you go on buses.

Explore more of Madrid:

Art & Culture

Parks & Gardens

Food & Drink

For full details on ICS 2024 Madrid, including registration rates, please visit the link below:

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