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European Union Continence Strategy: State of the Art Lecture

Monday 17 Jun 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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ICS Trustee and Vice-chair of the EAU Policy Office Prof Philip Van Kerrebroeck has revealed details of the 'Urge to Act' campaign he is championing as part of the strategy to transform continence health in Europe.

This collaborative activity forms the main theme of Prof Van Kerrebroeck's State of the Art Lecture at ICS 2024 Madrid and is discussed in his video below:

View European Continence Strategy Video

Optimal continence health is still a worldwide challenge. In Europe, around 55-60 million women and men suffer from continence health problems, and without policy change, the costs of continence care and the ecological impact will significantly increase in the coming years.

Enter the collaborative campaign “An Urge to Act”, aimed at transforming EU Continence Health...

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