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Discover What Awaits Urogynaecologists at ICS 2024

Friday 12 Jul 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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Urogynaecology Sessions at a Glance

There’s plenty of Urogynaecology related content on the Programme for ICS 2024. We’ve pulled together the most relevant sessions, to help you navigate the Programme and get the most out of your annual meeting!

Urogynaecologist and ICS Treasurer, Steven Schraffordt Koops has mapped out the conference for you, to make it easier to plan your days.

"It’s a difficult decision as there is a lot to choose from but my schedule of the sessions I would attend, that are interesting items for urogynaecologists", is as follows:




To view registration rates and the extras available, please visit Register for ICS 2024

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