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Christopher Henry Fry ICS Chair
Toby C. Chai ICS Chair
#253 Diminution of the spinal cord collagen scar with concomitant improvement in gait, detrusor-sphincter-dyssynergia and bladder overactivity in spinal cord contused mice using LM22B-10 Best Non-Clinical Abstract
Presenter: Youko Ikeda
Ikeda Y1, Zabbarova I1, Kozlowski M1, Birder L1, Kanai A11. University of Pittsburgh Spinal Cord Injury, Animal Study, Basic Science, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology
#254 Measurement of Feline Bladder Pressure and Volume Using Catheter-Free Wireless Intravesical Sensor Best in Category Prize: Continence Care Products / Devices / Technologies
Presenter: Steve J A Majerus
Majerus S1, Deng K2, Hanzlicek B1, Panda B2, Mrowca J2, Bourbeau D1, Damaser M21. Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, 2. Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute Animal Study, New Devices, Physiology, Urodynamics Techniques, New Instrumentation
#255 Real-Time Conditional Sacral Neuromodulation Using Wireless Bladder Pressure Sensor
Majerus S1, Offutt S2, Brink T2, Damaser M3, Zirpel L21. Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, 2. Medtronic, 3. Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute Neuromodulation, New Devices, Pre-Clinical testing, Animal Study
#256 Modulating cGMP and protein kinase G (PKG) attenuates nerve-mediated ATP release, and not ACh release, in the mouse detrusor Best in Category Prize: Pharmacology
Presenter: Basu Chakrabarty
Chakrabarty B1, Aitchison K1, Jabr R2, Kanai A3, Drake M1, Fry C11. University of Bristol, 2. University of Surrey, 3. University of Pittsburgh Basic Science, Pharmacology, Animal Study, Physiology
#257 Therapeutic effects of intravesical instillation of liposome-conjugated NGF antisense on NGF overexpression in the bladder and bladder overactivity in a rat model of prostatic inflammation
Presenter: Taro Igarashi
Igarashi T1, Tyagi P1, Mizoguchi S2, Kurobe M1, Gotoh D1, Saito T1, Wang Z1, Furuta A3, Suzuki Y4, Egawa S3, Yoshimura N11. University of Pittsburgh, 2. Oita university, 3. The Jikei University, 4. Tokyo Metropolitan Rehabilitation Hospital Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Bladder Outlet Obstruction , Voiding Dysfunction , Overactive Bladder
#258 Autoimmunity to urothelial antigen causes bladder inflammation, pelvic pain and voiding dysfunction: a novel animal model for Hunner type interstitial cystitis Best in Category Prize: Pelvic Pain Syndromes
Presenter: Yoshiyuki Akiyama
Akiyama Y1, Lutgendorf S1, Kreder K1, O’Donnell M1, Homma Y2, Kume H2, Luo Y11. Department of Urology, University of Iowa, 2. Department of Urology, The University of Tokyo Animal Study, Basic Science, Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (IC)