John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Presentation Guidelines


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    ICS 2023 is an In-Person meeting only. There will be no abstract presentations via zoom during ICS 2023.

    Presentation Type Podium Podium Short Oral Podium Video Open Discussion ePoster Non Discussion Video Not Accepted
    Published in Continence
    Oral Presentation (minutes) 7 3 5 3
    Audience Questions (minutes) 8 4 4 2
    Powerpoint Presentation
    ePoster Exhibition
    Poster Available on ICS Website
    Video Available on ICS Website
    Abstract Available on ICS Website

    The Official Journal of the International Continence Society is Continence published by Elsevier.

    Since the Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society will be an accredited CME/CPD event, it is required that the highest educational standards, independence from commercial bias, and objectivity be promoted throughout the accredited educational sessions. In this effort, invited speakers, session chairs, co-chairs, oral presenters, etc. are asked to carefully read and submit full disclosure information. As this is mandatory per CME/CPD regulations, failure to do so will result in disqualification of CME credit points for your session.

    • Download and fill in the conflict of interest form
    • Complete the information in the declaration, including the learning objectives, then click submit

    Additionally, all contributions to the CME/CPD content must adhere to the following:

    • Balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor
    • Recommendations involving clinical medicine based on the best available evidence, with references
    • Scientific research cited conforms to standards and protocols accepted by the scientific community
    • No recommendations made that are known to be ineffective or associated with dangers that outweigh benefits
    • No promotional content of a commercial entity (includes product names, photos, logos, company names, etc.)
    • Use of scientific/generic names; if necessary, trade names of several companies should be used
    • No patient-protected health information (patient information/videos appear with permission or have been de-identified)

    Other Pages in Abstracts

    Pages in ICS 2023

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