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ICS Lifetime Achievement Award

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ICS Lifetime Achievement Award

Find out more about the ICS Lifetime Achievement Award and how to nominate an ICS member

A Lifetime Achievement Award is made to honour an individual who has not only made an outstanding contribution to the ICS as a society but also a lifetime commitment and lasting input to the advancement of science, education, clinical practice or public awareness in the field of continence (including function and dysfunction of the urinary tract, bowel and pelvic floor). The Award is given at the ICS Annual Meeting with the acclamation of their peers.


Nominations must be submitted by 6th January annually. Each year the ICS Board of Trustees will consider nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award. They will also have the authority not to issue an award in any given year. A valid ICS member may nominate one candidate per year for this award.

Application Process

Nominations should include:

  • A statement of no more than 200 words, summarising the candidate's accomplishments for which he or she is being nominated.

  • The candidate's curriculum vitae in English, including a complete list of the candidate's publications (Maximum 2 pages or 4 sides, full list of publications can be included in an appendix.)

If you have any further questions or would like to send a nomination, please forward to


The lifetime achievement award will take the form of an inscribed plaque or trophy together with lifetime membership of the ICS. The awardee will be invited to the following annual meeting to receive their award with free registration, travel and accommodation (in accordance with the ICS Travel Policy) and invitations to chairman’s reception, welcome reception and annual dinner.

Lifetime honorary membership will thereafter include annual membership privileges, free registration to future annual meetings, together with invitations to the welcome reception and annual dinner.

Previous winners

2023 - Katherine Moore
2020 - Alan Wein
2019 - Helmut Madersbacher
2018 - Sender Herschorn
2017 - Linda Cardozo
2016 - Kari Bo
2015 - Derek Griffiths
2014 - Karl-Erik Andersson
2012 - Eric Glen
2011 - Jo Laycock
2010 - Paul Abrams

09/03/2025 20:05:21  507
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