John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Philip Van Kerrebroeck


Trustee Applicant

Mission Statement

After having been trustee of the ICS for 3 years, I would like to be candidate again for a trustee position. Based on my past experience the past 3 years I think I can serve the ICS even better to fulfill the aims and goals. It takes some time to get acquainted with all the ins and outs of the ICS organisation, and hence a second term would allow me to be even more efficient. I was involved in the initial strategic discussions, but the Covid situation prevented the further implementation. However my actual knowledge would be profitable in achieving what was aimed at in the updated strategy. These include the ICS Journals, and the preservation of the international and multidisciplinary role of the ICS in further ameliorating the cure and care for people with incontinence, but also in prevention of incontinence and preservation of continence.

Skills, abilities and experience

My 35 years of experience as a clinical urologist working in an multidisciplinary team, allows me to understand the 'world' of incontinence as well from the perspective of the patient as of the paramedical and medical teams. My activities as an academic urologist allowed me to get acquainted with the international world in the field of research. The aims and needs of ICS are familiar to me, and are useful to assist in the implementation of the aims and goals in the field of incontinence as pointed out by the ICS. During the past 3 years I was supervising the work of the ICS Standardization Committee, and this appeared to be very fruitfull and productivecooperation. As of 2021 I am vice-chairman of the EU policy office of the European Association of Urology in order to put incontinence on the agenda of the EU parliament. This network and the information I would gather would be very helpful and useful for the board of trustees of the ICS and by extension to its members.

Elections 2022

03/03/2025 08:48:28  19134
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