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Stefania Musco
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi

ICS 2016

Podium Short Oral Session 26 Botulinum Toxin and the Lower Urinary Tract 460 Different types and dosages of intradetrusor Botulinum Toxin A injections in spinal cord patients: a single centre experience in 15-years follow-up.

ICS 2014

Open Discussion Poster Session 11 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women 124 Sacral neuromodulation and female sexuality: review

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Stefania Musco

ICS Member

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MD Stefania Musco was born in Palermo (Italy) on July 10th 1976. After her classical studies at secondary school, she got her graduation in Medicine and Surgery in Oct 2001 from Campus Biomedico University in Rome. In November 2006 she got the Italian board urology certification with full marks from Tor Vergata University in Rome. From 2006 to 2013 she was self-employed urologist consultant in Santa Lucia Rehabilitation Hospital in Rome. Since 2013 she got two clinical research contracts from Neuro-Urology Unit of Careggi University Hospital in Florence, where she is now public employed as urologist consultant. Her fields of scientific and clinical interests are Neuro-urology, urodynamics, diagnosis and treatment of female urinary incontinence (uro-rehabilitation, intravesical injections, mid-urethral sling procedures, neuromodulation techniques including tibial, sacral and pudendal). She is authors of several papers on indexed journals and she severally has been invited to review by AJA, EAU, BJU and BMC Urology. She has participated to many national and international congresses, courses and training. Currently she has been a board of trustees member of the Italian Urodynamic society (SIUD) and of the Italian association for the study of neuro-vegetative (AINV). She is also member of the Italian Urology Society (SIU), the International Continence Society (ICS) and the European Association of Urology (EAU). Since 2015 she has been collaborating as panel associate for the Neuro-Urology EAU guideline. She was a member of the local organizing committee for the ICS 2017.

Stefania Musco declared on the Sunday 11th December 2022 that they had the following existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations:

EAU guidelines

  • Other: associate panel neurourology EAU guidelines

Italian Urodynamic Society

  • Elected/Official Position

International Neurourology Society

  • Elected/Official Position


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Consultant


  • Consultant


  • Consultant


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium