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Dr Michael Dimitrios Samarinas
General Hospital of Larissa, Urology Depatrment

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 7 Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 60 Correlation Between Detrusor Overactivity and Prostatic Inflammation in Patients Diagnosed with Bladder Outlet Obstruction

ICS 2023

Open Discussion Session 5 Open Discussion ePosters 393 Factors affecting adhesion on treatment with clean intermittent catheterizations for neuro-urological patients

Open Discussion Session 33 Open Discussion ePosters 624 Correlation of pelvic organ prolapse stage and lower urinary tract dysfunction

ICS 2022

Open Discussion Session 22 Open Discussion ePosters 362 The effect of pelvic floor muscle training in urodynamic parameters in women with stress urinary incontinence

Open Discussion Session 30 Open Discussion ePosters 474 Botulinum toxin-A injections in the bladder wall for women with primary bladder pain syndrome

Podium Short Oral Session 32 Sexual Function and Urogenital Pain 503 Interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Is there any clinical connection?

Podium Short Oral Session 5 Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 56 Predictive factors of postoperative urinary retention after open inguinal hernia repair

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 17 On Demand Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction 199 Pelvic floor muscle training for women with non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction

Open Discussion Session 24 On Demand Neurourology 340 Management of coital incontinence in women with multiple sclerosis

Open Discussion Session 29 On Demand Pelvic Pain Syndromes / Sexual Dysfunction 455 The severity of bladder pain syndrome in patients with autoimmune disease

ICS 2020

Open Discussion Session 32 ePoster 7 477 The effect of physiotherapy on neurogenic overactive bladder in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Podium Short Oral Session 5 OAB: Neuromodulation and Unusual Associations 56 Frequency of urinary incontinence in people with portal hypertension

ICS 2019

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 405 Intermittent catheterizations in patients with dementia. Correlations of complications with the disease stage.

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Products 205 Sexual function in women with Multiple Sclerosis, who receive treatment with clean intermittent self-catheterizations. Preliminary results.

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Michael Samarinas

ICS Member

Qualifications:Staff Member PhD Chairman of Department/Section
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Michael Samarinas is an Urologist, expertizing in Functional Urology, while investigating for research and clinical protocols and participating in working groups for international publications. He is, also, a skilled surgeon especially in the area of resolving problems related with neurourology. Michael Samarinas has graduated from the Medical School of the University of Thessaly in Larissa, Greece in 2004 and his first job was as a General Practitioner in the Greek Province, as it is been officially requisitioned by the Greek Health System. Next, he worked as a General Surgery Resident in the Pediatric Hospital of Patras, Greece, been specially focused on the Paediatric Urological cases. After his military service, Dr. Samarinas has been employed as a Urology Resident in the General Hospital of Larissa, Greece and finally as a Urology Resident in the University Hospital of Larissa, Greece, from which he has been approved as a Specialist in Urology. Thereafter, he became a Fellow in Functional Urology in the Urological Department of UZ Gent Hospital in Belgium. Michael Samarinas is also a PhD and this period he is proceeding more investigation on this study, as well as for new researching areas that he is participating in. He has a good amount of international and national publications and his presence in European or local congresses is constant and creative with a lot of abstracts and presentations. He is a reviewer in Journals with impact factor. He is an adequate and skilled surgeon having performed or assisted in a lot of operations, mainly focus on them who have to deal ad solve functional problems of the urinary tract.
Nowadays, Michael Samarinas is continuing his expertizing in functional urology and research in neurourology, working as a Consultant in General Hospital of Larissa, being the Head of Department of Neuro-urology and Urodynamics.

Dr Michael Dimitrios Samarinas declared on the Sunday 1st September 2019 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).