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ICS Background

Dr François HERVÉ
Ghent University Hospital

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 17 Refractory Overactive Bladder: Neuromodulation and Botulinum 174 A dynamic nomogram predicting success of intradetrusoral injections of botulinum toxin in idiopathic refractory overactive bladder

ICS 2023

Podium Video Session 11 Surgical Videos - Genitourinary Reconstruction 78 Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Bladder Augmentation and Bladder Neck Artificial Urethral Urinary Sphincter placement in a Spina Bifida patient: an “all-in-one” procedure.

ICS 2022

Podium Short Oral Session 17 Nocturia 242 Invasive Treatments and Nocturia: a Systematic Review of Controlled and Observational Evidence.

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Products 201 Perception of intermittent self-catheterization by urologists: preliminary results of a survey among the French Association of Urology

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Products 206 Dutch translation and validation of 4 questionnaires in order to evaluate intermittent self catheterization in patients with neurogenic bladder: INCASAQ (Intermittent Catheterization Satisfaction Questionnaire), ICAT (Intermittent Catheterization Acceptance Test), ICSQ (Intermittent Self Catheterization Questionnaire) and ICDQ (Intermittent Catheterization Difficulty Questionnaire)

ICS 2017

Open Discussion Session 19 Open Discussion ePosters 2 344 Impact of diuresis on lower urinary tract symptoms: a pilot-study with renal bother profiles

ICS 2016

Podium Short Oral Session 29 Devices and Management Strategies 571 Clean intermittent catheterization as a treatment modality for urinary retention: perception of the urologist

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François HERVÉ

ICS Member

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François HERVÉ was accredited as Urologist in October 2015 and has been working since then at the Ghent University Hospital at the department of Urology, with Prof. Karel Everaert.
Between November 2017 and September 2022 he has also worked in the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels as a consultant Urological Surgeon in charge of functional and neurourology.

His clinical and surgical activities include male and female urinary incontinence diagnosis and treatment, pelvic floor disorder, nocturia and neurourology.

In 2019, François HERVÉ led and managed -within the ICS- a Delphi process to reach a consensus on the diagnosis and management of nocturia, seeking to close the knowledge gaps between different levels of the management of nocturia – the basic science, clinical research discoveries, and application of these research findings to disease diagnosis and treatment.

He is an active member of the NOPIA, an international multidisciplinary expert research group on Nocturia. He is also involved in the International Consultation of Incontinence Research Society (ICI-RS).

Dr François HERVÉ declared on the Thursday 3rd August 2023 that they had the following existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations:


  • Other: co-director, non-profit organisation


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium
  • Other: grant


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium


  • Speaker Honorarium