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Dr Ghazal Ameli
Clinic of Korneuburg/ department of urology

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 14 Male Incontinence: What is in the Pipeline for Postprostatectomy Incontinence 139 Extended follow-up of the adjustable artificial sphincter VICTO in the treatment of male urinary incontinence after 68Months: Results in a high-volume center

Open Discussion Session 102 Open Discussion ePosters 378 Vulko the new adjustable sling for male incontinence - preliminary results

ICS 2023

Podium Short Oral Session 31 Male Incontinence 263 Open cuff: a salvage procedure for artificial urinary sphincter in case of urethral injuries in complex cases

Open Discussion Session 5 Open Discussion ePosters 352 Tunica albuginea flap: a modified salvage procedure for implantation of AUS in patients with fragile urethra

Non Discussion Video Session 41 Non Discussion Video 694 The new adjustable Artificial Urinary Sphincter (VICTO): surgical technique

ICS 2022

Open Discussion Session 18 Open Discussion ePosters 254 Intraoperative Retrograde Leak Point Pressure Measurement Improves Outcomes of the adjustable Argus® Sling and Reduces the Risk of Urethral Erosion

Open Discussion Session 18 Open Discussion ePosters 256 Adjustable artificial sphincter VICTO in the treatment of urinary incontinence: early results in a cohort of high-risk cases in a prospective single center study

Open Discussion Session 22 Open Discussion ePosters 307 Treatment of male stress urinary incontinence with the adjustable male sling ARGUS® in patients with fragile urethra

Open Discussion Session 23 Open Discussion ePosters 376 Functional outcomes of adjustable continence therapy (ACTâ„¢ Balloons) for recurrent or persist stress urinary incontinence in females after primary midurethral sling

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 23 On Demand Male Stress Urinary Incontinence (Post Prostatectomy Incontinence) 305 Long-term evaluation of the adjustable bulbourethral Argus® sling: Single center experience with a mean follow-up of 10 years

Podium Session 10 Live Urology 3 - Continence Care Across the Ages 87 Adjustable Artificial Urinary Sphincter (VICTO): experience after 104 cases

ICS 2019

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Urogynaecology 3 - Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 202 A Single Center Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a New Adjustable Artificial Urinary Sphincter (VICTO): Follow-Up >12 Months

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 396 Salvage Surgical Procedure for Artificial Sphincter AMS 800® After Urethral Erosion

Podium Video Session 35 Video Session 3 - Male / Wild Card 717 The New Adjustable Artificial Sphincter VICTO: Surgical Technique and Results After a Follow-Up of More Than One Year

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Ghazal Ameli

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I am resident at the Departement of Urology in Clinic of Korneuburg/Austria.
My clinical and scientific research are male urinary incontinence and male Genitourethral reconstruction.