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ICS Background

Dr Diane K Newman
Co-Director Penn Center for Continence and Pelvic Health, Division of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, 9 Penn Tower, 34th & Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104

ICS 2024

Open Discussion Session 108 Open Discussion ePosters 776 Pelvic floor muscle strength in a population-based study of US women

ICS 2022

Podium Short Oral Session 10 Geriatrics/Gerontology 162 Healthy bladder storage and emptying functions in community-dwelling women using a novel 2-day bladder health diary.

Podium Short Oral Session 21 Overactive Bladder 301 Identifying Real-World Practice Patterns in Second-Line Treatments for Patients With Overactive Bladder Receiving Navigated or Routine Care From a US National Retrospective Database Study

Open Discussion Session 23 Open Discussion ePosters 373 Baseline Characteristics of Patients With Overactive Bladder Receiving Navigated or Routine Care Identified From a US National Retrospective Database Study

ICS 2020

Podium Short Oral Session 27 Geriatrics and Special Population 421 A multi-site focus group study of U.S. adult women’s beliefs and assumptions about bladder health and function

Podium Short Oral Session 39 Quality of Life and Health Delivery 610 It’s About Time: The Temporal Burden of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among Women

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Products 199 Intermittent catheter choice impacts quality of life: Clinical study on safety and preference of single vs. reuse catheters.

Open Discussion Session 21 Open Discussion ePosters 429 Nursing Assessment of Bladder and Bowel Symptoms in Neuro-Rehabilitation Patients

ICS 2017

Open Discussion Session 9 Open Discussion ePosters 1 196 Single-use hydrophilic coated intermittent catheters improve quality of life: Report from a clinical trial on catheter reuse in the United States.

Podium Session 28 Best of Rehabilitation 504 A Multi-site Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Group-Administered Behavioral Treatment in Reducing Urinary Incontinence in Older Adult Women

ICS 2016

Podium Session 23 Conservative Management - Community Based Interventions 429 Educating Adult Women about Bladder Health: the Translating Unique Learning for UI Prevention (TULIP) Project

ICS 2013

Non Discussion Poster Session 34 583 Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Mass Mailing Recruitment for a Urinary Incontinence Primary Prevention Study

ICS 2009

Non Discussion Poster Session 32 454 Darifenacin provides meaningful improvements to patients dissatisfied with oxybutynin or tolterodine therapy

Podium Poster Session 6 Quality of Life & Epidemiology 56 Impact of ‘dry days’ on quality of life in patients with ‘wet’ overactive bladder: results of a pooled analysis of three phase III studies with darifenacin

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Diane Newman

ICS Committee Member

Profession:Nurse (Specialist/Advisor/Practitioner/Academic)
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Dr. Newman is Co-Director of the Penn Center for Continence and Pelvic Health in the Division of Urology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
She is a Research Investigator Senior and Adjunct fessor of Urology in Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Her practice involves the evaluation, conservative treatment, and management of urinary incontinence and related problems.

Dr Newman is involved in U.S> government-funded research currently including: Principal Investigator (PI), University of Pennsylvania site, PENN+PLUS Clinical Center, Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium, 1U01DK106892-01. She is a co-investigator on the NIH Pelvic Floor Disorders Network Clinical Sites (1U10HD069010-01), and on Neurogenic bladder dysfunctions in neurological disorders, P20 DK097819-01 NIDDK/NIH, NIH. She is a co-investigator on the Perioperative Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence Home Telehealth Program, VA Merit Grant. She has served as a site PI on Translating Unique Learning for Incontinence Prevention: The TULIP Project, (R01NR012011, NINR/NIH) and the PI, University of Pennsylvania site, Group Learning Achieves Decreased Incidents of Lower Urinary Symptoms (GLADIOLUS) University of Pennsylvania, NIA/NIH.

She was the Chairperson of the 2nd – 6th (2017) Committee on Continence Promotion, Education & Primary Prevention for the International Consultation on Incontinence. With Dr Alan Wein, she was the Co-chair of the 2018 International Continence Society Annual meeting, held in Philadelphia. Over the last three decades, Dr Newman has held multiple leadership positions in professional groups and government-sponsored expert panels.

She is the author of several books. The most recent as the lead editor of the 1st edition of the Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates Core Curriculum for Urologic Nursing. She is the lead editor of Clinical Application of Urologic Catheters, Devices and Products.

Dr Diane K Newman declared on the Wednesday 3rd January 2024 that they had the following existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations:


  • Consultant

Urovant Sciences

  • Consultant

Digital Science Press

  • Director or employee


  • Research grant