Bladder dysfunction in childhood has a different pathogenesis and intervention algorithm to the more common forms of incontinence in adults, yet children, adolescents and young adults often present to adult services. My background in research, education and clinical intervention for both child and adult bladder dysfunction, gives me a thorough understanding of the challenge to clinicians when treating patients across the age spectrum. I envisage the role of the ICS Paediatric Committee to include on-going monitoring of new paediatric continence research and practice and communication of this to ICS members in a relevant and accessible manner. As a long-standing member of the ICS, and previous board Member of the ICCS, I would consider it an honor to steer this process over the next 6 years.
Dr Wendy F Bower declared on the Tuesday 30th April 2019 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).